Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Vertigo’ Declared ‘All Time Best Film’

A Still Image From Hitchcock’s ‘Vertigo’ : Courtesy Paramount Pictures

One of the greatest film makers of all time Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpiece ‘Vertigo’ has been declared “the greatest of all time” in a poll conducted by The British Film Institute’s ‘Sight and Sound’ Magazine. Hitchcock’s ‘Vertigo’ has managed to dislodge Orson Welles’ classic ‘Citizen Kane’ from the top for the first time in the last 50 years.

‘Sight and Sound’ magazine conducts a poll every ten years by constituting a panel of select audience and critics. This time 846 distributors, critics and academics participated in the poll.’Vertigo’ is a thriller made by Hitchcock in 1958. The ten best movies made in the history of cinema (as per the polls ) are as follows.

1-Vertigo – 1958, director Alfred Hitchcock

2- Citizen Kane – 1941, director Orson Wells

3- Tokyo Story – 1953, director Yasujiro Ozu

4- La Regle Du Jeu (The Rules of the Game) – 1939, director Jean Renoir

5- Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans – 1927, director Murnau

6- 2001: A Space Odyssey – 1968, director Stanley Kubrick

7- The Searchers – 1956, director John Ford

8- Man with a Movie Camera – 1929, director Dziga Vertou

9- The Passion of Joan of Arc – 1927, director Carl Theodor Dreyer

10- 8 1/2 – 1963, director Federico Fellini

No Indian movie featured in this most prestigious list of world cinema.