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Review: ‘Love Storiyaan’

In a world where the grand narratives of love often unfold on screens and within pages, “Love Storiyaan,” now streaming on Prime Video, emerges as an effective exploration of the profound love stories that breathe life into our very existence. This Valentine’s Day, the film invites us to relish in a tale that serves as a veritable ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul,’ artfully reminding us of the power of love to renew our faith in the human condition.

With its anthology format, “Love Storiyaan” weaves together six distinct narratives, each a unique tapestry of love, hope, joy, and resilience against adversities unimaginable. From Hardik Mehta’s tender portrayal of Aekta Kapoor, a Punjabi mother finding love anew, to Vivek Soni’s ‘Love in Air’, which unites rival RJs through the machinations of fate, the diversity of stories offers a rich palette of emotional experience.

Shazia Iqbal’s narrative stands out, unfurling the love story of the ‘Prince of Chandpur’ and his beloved, transcending boundaries and forsaking all for love. Akshay Indikar and Archana Phadke further enrich the collection with tales of societal transcendence and the overcoming of religious and cultural barriers for love, while Collin D’Cunha presents a touching exploration of identity and companionship through the journey of a trans couple.

Throughout the film, dialogues resonate with the authenticity and depth of real-life, sparking emotions ranging from jubilation to melancholy. Moments like Sunit Saha’s simple yet profound realization of love touch the soul, while Aekta Kapoor’s exploration of womanhood amongst societal expectations and Shubhadra’s candid admission about her evolving relationship underscore the complex dynamics of love and personal growth.

Of particular note is the film’s keen observation on gender roles within these love stories, revealing the often overlooked narrative that women frequently carry the heavier burden in nurturing relationships. Yet, it is their indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to their individuality and beliefs that often becomes the bedrock of these alliances.

While “Love Storiyaan” celebrates love in its myriad forms, it does not shy away from critiquing societal prejudices and making subtle political statements, especially in the context of interfaith love in contemporary society. Directors Shazia Iqbal and Rahul Badwelkar skillfully navigate these waters, offering not just entertainment, but a platform for reflection and discourse.

The anthology, albeit with its imperfections and varying impact across its stories, paints a vivid picture of love’s enduring strength and the universal quest for connection. It subtly laments missed opportunities to delve deeper into some narratives, yet, it remains a testament to love’s transformative power.

Conceptualized by Somen Mishra, “Love Storiyaan” is not merely a film; it is a heartfelt celebration of love in all its forms. It beckons us to look around and cherish the real-life love stories that fortify us against life’s ebb and flow, affirming that amidst our trials, it is love and human connection that ultimately sustains us.

FF Ratings: ****

Review By: Bhumika Rawat 

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