Internet model Poonam Pandey has created a storm on Google and other networks when she decided to strip to mark Kolkata Knight Riders victory in this year IPL. Indians went berserk looking for her pictures in buff and then reacting sharply against her ‘immoral act’. She is least bothered about any criticism and taking it in stride she has announced to make things ‘hotter’ for her audience.
She made this announcement in public today when she tweeted, “ Thanx for having trust and patience towards me … i Promise the next Show is gonna get Hot, Hotter and Hottest luv u all xox (Sic).”
Poonam became an internet phenomenon last year when she promised to go nude if India wins the Cricket World Cup. India won but she chickened out. Now after a gap of 1 year she did what she had promised. Although what she did was pretty lame by international standards but India as a country is a regressive society which likes to keep everything in the closet.
Therefore when any Tina Dina or Hina decides to wear her birthday suit the whole country is hooked. Poonam Pandey is a byproduct of India’s hypocritical social order. There were people who poked fun at her. Specially micro blogging site Twitter was buzzing with jokes on Poonam Pandey. Sample some of the funniest one.
Angry Bombay Girl (@shadymumbai): Dear Poonam Pandey …so Much Hype and Thats all what u show ??? Even Tushaar Kapoor showed more Skin Than That in His Beach Picture.
Rofl Indian (@Roflindian): Dear Poonam Pandey, my worry is not that you’re making a total cheapo of yourself, but that you’re making a total Orkut of Twitter.
Rajneesh Kapoor (@MrMrRajneesh): If Viswannathan Anand wins the World Championship, Poonam Pandey promises to show the Mating Positions.
Doctor at large (@doctoratlarge): Just when you thought nothing could be cheaper than the Indian rupee, Poonam Pandey proves you wrong.
Comedy Central India (@ComedyCentralIn): Each time you read a Poonam Pandey tweet, you kill a few brain cells.
Faking News (@fakingnews): Dear Poonam Pandey, petrol ke daam badhe hain, kapdo ke nahi!
The Weird King (@rixabh): You can’t be more jobless than Poonam Pandey.